#10 – John Brisson

John Brisson joins us for a great chat about the current geo-political situation and his research into Covid-1984 vaccines.

In the first half we chat about if Trump is going away or not, CPAC and the golden idol with a magic wand, the CNP itinerary leak, Barr the deep state monster, Q, the lefts Q, dog whistle about vaccines, RFK, the Michael Hastings book.
Do they really want civil war? What about the Russia influence and the innovation park there?
We also talk about augmented reality games, the belt and road and the bombing of Syria.

In the second half we get into the Vaccine research, the adverse events, natural health suppression in 2018/19, why the allergic reactions, flu shot vs Covid Vaccine data on injuries, comparing the J&J variant, can you protect yourself if you have to take the jab, Buffet & Gates, Bezos vs Musk, book of revelation and forced vaccinations.

Why were the vaccine injuries allowed to be talked about in the media for the first few weeks?

And we also discuss what it’s like as a Christian conservative….. what is worse? The culture war against the family, white males, the genders, and the virtue signalling against racism or the Technocratic totalitarian attempt at a take over through medical marshal law.

See links to John’s work:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7vqQJCxvXl2tZ_V5P-gYJQ We’ve Read the Documents YouTube

Links to stuff we chatted about during the show:



https://grimericaoutlawed.ca/sample-page/ Harvard conspiracy paper read

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#9 – John Sneisen
February 26, 2021
#11 – Robert Bonomo
March 4, 2021
#9 – John Sneisen
February 26, 2021
#11 – Robert Bonomo
March 4, 2021