#317 – Outlawed Round up 7.24.24 The 48 Percenters, Special Deal! CDN Student Visas
July 24, 2024
#319 – Outlawed Round Up 7.31 Jasper Resident Rants With Us, Wasted Taxpayer Programs
July 31, 2024Dan Fournier – Independent Investigative Journalist joins us for a chat about his Substack covering a variety of topics including a lot of Canadian content. We chat about what happened in Canada with banking and money re the BIS in the 70’s, usury, the banker whistle blower, his series / ebook called the Synagogue of Satan, BRICS, CBDC’s, and what will happen in this twilight of the current monetary system?
We also get into energy and the climate hoax, the inept Canadian Government, and ‘laying flat’ in the West and not just China.
In the last half we get deeper into Canada and whether people should leave or stay. Is there hope, or does this Western collapse need to happen? How far will the Climate grift and over taxation get? Immigration and the woke funding, the depop agenda, and the predictions on False Flag cyber attacks are discussed.
Are the rats fleeing? Does the deepstate want Trump in power? How is Quebec different in this and what happened at Roxham Road? We also chat about the Patriot Act, the Trump assassination attempt, the upcoming selection, bio-metric id’s and how they would actually collapse financials and get us into the digital.
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