#378 – Outlawed Round Up 02.26.25 NWO 2.0, Black Magic Mirror
February 26, 2025
#380 – Outlawed Round Up PLUS 3.2.25, Covid 2.0, the Breadth of the NGO Consultancy Problem
March 2, 2025Peter Mac Isaac joins us from the East coast to chat about controversies and corruption in Canada.
We chat about his background working for the Gov, fighting fires, and more, getting into politics, and now fighting the corruption.
Law enforcement, party politics, WE charity, See Sis, WEF, compromised MP’s, Global Affairs, slush funds, MK Ultra are also discussed in the first half.
In the second half we get into Canada’s election problems, woke tards, new media, false flags, unbrainwashing, the lying Government and media, immigration, how the EU and Canada has fallen, the age of the internet, the Covid crowd, and Trump’s war on tariffs.
Nova Scotia’s #1 Best selling author of “The Redneck Conservative”, Retired Game warden, Professional Forest Fire Fighter and the president of the Independent movement In Nova Scotia
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