#358 – Demi Pietchell – The Starfire Codes, Metaphysics, Spiritual, Media and Truth
December 28, 2024
#360 – Outlawed Round Up 01.08.25 – Welcome to C.U.M, Cuckerburg
January 8, 2025Jeff Bermant is with us to chat about creating the TUSK search engine and browser and trying to get VC money for something more on the Conservative side.
We chat about his entrepreneurial career, living in California for decades, Hollywood types, rubbing shoulders with politicians, working hard, building office space, and making software.
In the second half we chat about giving out money, ways to make funding work for users and influencers, GIPPR, testing out the systems, software breakages, building a.i., testing the ai on Grimerica, Trump, Canada, immigration, food program for teachers, and the brainwashed.
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ART – Napolean Duheme’s site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/
Tru Northperception,
Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com
Grimerica Outlawed Plus: (Protected Content)