#352 – Outlawed Round Up 12.4.24 – Million Dollar Podcast, Flag Tags
December 4, 2024
#354 – Outlawed Round Up 12.11.24 – Gun Grabbin’, Opaque Slush Fund
December 11, 2024Alex Petkas of Cost of Glory podcast joins us to chat about his Ph.D in the Classics, getting out of academia, his series on Plutarch’s ‘Parrellel Lives’, Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.
We chat about how the education has changed – intentionally and especially since the 60’s, Sulla the Roman General, Fiction based on Fact books on a way to learn history, the campaign of Caesar, the Classics, Rhetoric, rule by experts, the art of ruling and being ruled, The Battle for the American Mind, how Democracy used to be related to mobile military capacity, Lawfare, and how it always ends in Tyranny.
In the second half we get into Roman civil war, the change in education, the chain of greatness, the modern German Research Institute and the creation of Ph.D’s, new UNI’s like Austin and Rolston, the founding of America, Plutarch, Xenophon, the real meaning of Philosopher, personal development, the story of the Giant, the meaning of Virtue, Plato’s school, the 7th letter, and the big Rome question. How do we get back to traditions of Epic and honoring great men.
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