#351 – Tom Althouse – The Stolen Matrix and Real Red Pill
November 30, 2024
#353 – Alex Petkas – From Republic to Autocracy. Cost of Glory
December 7, 2024Join us as we go over some current events in Canada and elsewhere…. EMO, Annexation, CEBA scams, Crime, and City Council advice.
We chat about the recent vote in Barrhead for neutrality, as the EMO Mayor pushes back and stands his ground on re education training. Check out our documentary that Teace made!
We play a clip from the guy who came from Iran and Sharia law and sees what is happening here, Bill Gates using India as a lab test, the CDN Gov dept million dollar podcast fail. Guess which department.
Quebec Doctors being told to stay public, the major weekly news from around the world, Calgary council deputation and the fact checking from Greater Destiny, the annexation of provinces or Canada to the USA, GST survey results, 3.5B wasted in CEBA loans to ineligible recipients, violent crime in Canada, and the Congress report on Covid and Jabs.
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Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com
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