#349 – Scott Grace – Mindful Masculinity, A Book for Men and the Women Who Love Them
November 23, 2024
#351 – Tom Althouse – The Stolen Matrix and Real Red Pill
November 30, 2024Join us for a great chat about recent events and stories in Canada and abroad. We chat about EMO the township being sued for not bowing to the woke crowd, Flouride almost ready to be tapped in Calgary, Gimmigrants in Canada and how much they are getting per year, the backlog of admin in Canada, money going out of the country, house prices vs income since the 80’s, GST reduction tabled – no more $250 rebate? What does the angry real estate agent say about this?
We also chat about the death of DEI, PBD clip of whistleblower talking about little Justin’s dad and Rockefeller, the RCMP trying to monitor gun shows in Montana, Canada’s failing health care compared to 30 other OECD countries, the Gorilla killed in Calgary, JT’s statement on the Montreal riots, the firing of protester based on hate speech – the left now getting a dose of karma (although wrong of course), the ICC arrest warrant for Benj of Israel and baked Senator Graham’s response to it.
In the later part we get into Germany’s ironic regulatory agency ignoring or hiding the batch lot problems of the Covid Jabs, Alberta mom mad about son almost getting jab in school twice – against her wishes, Elon naming crazy Gov departments and EE’s and scaring many of them, OWS and McCollough, Steve Kirsch pregnancy and Jab study – disaster.
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