#341 – Topher Gardner – Domesteader, Weather Weapons and Dome Architecture
October 19, 2024
#343 – Michael Wann – Hispaniola and the Susquehanna Mystery
October 26, 2024We chat about some interesting stories including Bill C-293 and the fear around that, Calgary putting signs up on How to Rake a Leaf Pile and Jump in it, The homeless encampment busted for Crimes, the election in BC, and funding from our tax dollars to insane things like researching gender in rock music, and new mask mandates in Toronto.
We also read a listener email about incineration of garbage for energy and we go over some details regarding a facility in Canada, UCP may be refining Carbon Dioxide, the Edmonton infill 15 minute city project, Calgary Ctrain accident and mob to reach the shuttle buses, and Darren’s crazy Ctrain story from many years ago.
In the second half we get into Fentanyl being produced in Canada and exported out while we let tear rists in and get through the USA border, the vaccine study on Care Homes, the SIDS VAERS study with overt 2600 infant deaths, hate crimes in Canada with Death to Israel, Canada and USA, Ingersoll Lockwood hidden messages and Pickton scribble and the guy who woke up after OD while they were about to remove his organs.
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Links to the stuff we chatted about:
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