#325 – Outlawed Round Up 8.21.24 Reading Railroads, Inflation and the AVG CDN Budget
August 21, 2024
#327 – Outlawed Round Up 8.28.24 Canadian Tax Quiz, Vending Snorting Kits
August 28, 2024John Gusty joins us for a great chat about moving into sovereignty, what do we do with the two types of people, and how the public wants to have these discussions but it is largely hampered by you know who.
We chat about the Church of Red and Blue, Statism, Anarchy, Agorism, proper definitions, the power of thirds, social conditioning of the masses and how we have realized how dangerous this was during Covid. Screw democracy and mob rules, do you need a leader? If so, where?
The state is a self declared non consensual authority. We are in an abusive relationship, so what can we do. How do we find that balance and acceptance that this is a long battle. We talk about Sheriff’s vs police, how to become a non citizen, and political pop culture.
In the last half – which goes long again we chat about the Music industry players and musicians folding during Covid, many of our old hero’s being complete disappointments. What happened to punk rock and the resistance….
Then we get deeper into health and wellness, diagnosis, living in the South, top tips if you are sick, distilled water, sunlight, processed sugar, terrain vs germ vs bioweapons, Ethical Skeptics covid spread theory, the unknown and little talked about radiation, and health in nature.
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