#295 – Outlawed Round Up 5.1.24 NarcoPolitics and Are You a Potential Tear ist?
May 1, 2024
#297 – Outlawed Round Up 5.9.24 Woke Spies – Summer of Discontent
May 9, 2024We are joined by Leighton of Grey Matter Podcast, Marty Up North, Simon Esler, and Bruce of Unscrew the News for deep and pertinent chat about whats going on in Canada.
We chat about home schooling in TO, families, trad wives, Canada’s population, incentives to have kids, TERF’s, family legacies, the trans changes in the UK, infiltration of Neo-Marxism, Trudeau politics, Danielle Smith, turbo cancer, politics vs statecraft, data vs culture, playing God and service leadership.
Is this considered an invasion?
What would you do if you were King? How would we fix this?
We get into solutions, cities and their ESG scores, Emergency Powers, Charter of Rights, Debt Jubilee’s, interest rates, DEI, BRICS, UNDRIP, Indigenous Rights, the Land problem, firearms, and the new Alberta Bill of Rights.
Class action law suits are happening for Vaccine injured and unjab’d as well. See below:
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