#283 – Outlawed Round Up – 3.20.24 Carb On Carb Off, Pan Canadian Health Data
March 20, 2024
#285 – Outlawed Round Up 3.27.24, RCMP Bullcrap Report, Meltwater pulse GTFO, and Attali Illuminati
March 27, 2024Welcome to this special episode as a variety of Canadian independent podcasters and journalists get together on this panel to discuss Canadian stuff eh. Challenges and solutions… Where is Canada at?
We get into it fairly quick, on one of the big questions. Can this corrupt broken system in Canada (and elsewhere) be fixed from within or do we need to create a parallel system outside of the current one?
We chat about Canadian Politics, the House of Commons joke, spiritual solutions, tribe and train, tribes and clans, local vs large scales, RCMP release and the timing with Pierre’s vote, and the freedom trap.
We also get into the carbon tax problem, the See Eye Eh sheeple studies on the ‘masses’, the 60% that will go along with anything, anarchy, direct democracy, the upcoming collapse, the competency crisis, mob rule and group psychology, free market, DEI camp, new ideas about representation, the growth of libertarian ideas, and decentralization.
When did Canada break? Are most Canadians on board with this? Can new technology be used to adapt/fix the old system without breaking it?
See links below for info on all the participants:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5QvyPt4px5U2OQJFiGYHHA Clyde Do Something
https://rumble.com/c/THRT Limina – The Human Responsibilities Tribunal
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