#281 – Outlawed Round Up 3.13.24 ArriveScam, AARO, The WPATH Files, TWC, People with Vagina’s
March 13, 2024
#283 – Outlawed Round Up – 3.20.24 Carb On Carb Off, Pan Canadian Health Data
March 20, 2024Charlie is back and we chat about his trip to Anarchapulco, Pod Hotels, Denver Airport, what the vibe was like and what they met about, the storm that slammed Acapulco a few months back, and how the anarchist community performed over the government.
We speculate about the storm genesis, why the media was so silent and there was no warning, solutions to new media, getting censored, audiobooks, podcasting 2.0, and free speech.
In the last part we chat more about audiobooks, marketing and rights, example of builder in Nicaragua making emf free locations paid by crypto, where we should be during the Apocalypse, having home court advantage – is a thing, we are in the controlled demolition and WWIII, destroying from within, who is elevating the new media narrative, weaponizing stupidity, and the end of the road.
We also get into the usual incompetence question, MAID a calculation, vaccine damage, cancers and tissue damage and Charlie’s scary drive thru experience.
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