#274 – David Jacinto Explores Issues of Class Warfare, Child Labor, and Immigration
February 17, 2024
#276 – Odessa Orlewicz – Liberty Talk Canada – Unravelling Corruption One Thread at a Time
February 24, 2024In the first few minutes we go over all the ways you can support the show and get all 200 full eps. Our Website, Patreon, Substack, Locals, and Rokfin. Thanks for your help and support. See links below for everything.
We get deep into some Canadian content, some predictions about Trudeau, the ArriveScam app controversy continues, the bogus renaming of the carbon tax rebate scam and a Dr. in Ontario is giving up his family practice because it’s a losing business after 10 years.
What does Pierre P think about women’s safe spaces? We run through a great example of why Alberta could use it’s own Pension Plan, how the Canadian Government CPP (Canadian Pension Plan) is a complete scam.
A story of a Vaccine injury, accepted by the Canadian Government yet also asked if she would MAID three times! Paralized after Mod mRNA.
A couple big studies out that seem to be fueling both sides of the debate? Adverse reactions are accepted and worse than thought but still small. Why does X seem to be censoring the accounts posting this latest large Cohort Study?
Some clips about the Bolshevik Revolution, the peasant revolts and the gulags.
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