#253 – Outlawed Round Up 12.5.23 – Psychedelic Zelensky – NZ Data Breach – Montreal Mayor Collapse
December 6, 2023
#255 – Outlawed Round Up 12.13.23. mRNA = OK? USA Medicare Data Destroys Narrative
December 13, 2023John Brisson is back after a couple of years and things have changed. He’s gone from a Gnostic, Theosophist – he would say to born again Christian. This is not just one of our past guests…. seems to a slight trend. What’s up with that? We chat about his YouTube cancellation, during covid, the pizzagate talk, Michael Joseph, Bailey/Blavatsky split, and who is channeling demons.
Has earth been given over to Satan? Is humanity being culled? We also into Rockefeller influence on Nag Hamadi, technomancy, his born again experience with kundalini leaving and the Holy Spirit coming in. What was Wilhelm Reich doing with kids in the basement? Is orgone just a distraction? CNP, Apostolic Fathers, the major pendulum swing happening right now all over the West, Kirwin’s biblical Mandela, and the last tribe of Dan are also discussed in this first part.
In the second part we get into Darren’s Atlas Shrugged world, and the herd being dangerous, when the White Lodge shows itself, who will be leading the charge in the revolution when the pendulum is back, the Mark of the Beast has to be an intentional choice – it wasn’t the jab, Operation Tiberius Kirk, Operation Warp Speed, Trump, Canadian parallels, Fabian Socialism and Palantir massive health data collection.
We go deeper into the CNP. Is it also responsible for the destruction of the West? Dark Alliance? What about Turning Point? Moms for Liberty? Why is this club so secret compared to the CFR? Clinton impeachment distraction in context, the real border wall – virutal, Rex 84, Fema camps, sound of Freedom, limited hangout, Tribulation, some of the so called outsiders like Gaetz are also all discussed.
Some good quotes from John – Controlled Great Reset into a false Great Awakening, Externalization of the Hierarchy.
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