#240 – Outlawed Books – The All Seeing Eye – Part 50
October 19, 2023
#242 -MRNA Cancer Bomb – Climate Fakery – Brain Initiative’s Graphene Quantum Dots
October 23, 2023George Howard joins us for a great chat about Malcolm Bendall’s clean technology, how it’s going and what the implications are. George has probably spent the most time with Malcolm than anyone through this interesting time of testing and keeping out of trouble.
We chat about how he got into the Younger Dryas Impact Theory, the creation of Cosmic Tusk, mean girl science, what his Cosmic Summit is going to look like, cold fusion, what happened with the JRE ep, what happened at the Tesla Tech conference, the book The Shaman about Malcolm, and he explains how he thinks the Bendall system works.
In the second half we get deeper into the system, actually huffing the exhaust, green energy like solar and wind, and who is at risk of this technology coming out. Hint, the climate change cult. We also chat about the commercial enterprise aspect, how it’s too late to kill this, cold fusion – I told you so, Global Shaming, the story about science and the wright brothers, number patterns, alchemical science, T Townsend Brown, the Foxhole, productive physics and how Malcolm was smeared.
Check out the links below to his site and the conference in June 2024.
Link to Bendall’s work and Alchemical Science distilling it:
https://randallcarlson.com/the-malcolm-bendall-lectures/ (check back soon if it is still under maintenance)
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